Main Park Rain Garden
Just as a wetland naturally reduces the severity of downstream flooding and allows for the percolation of water in the groundwater supply, well-planned rain gardens can accomplish similar objectives. Native plants are well adapted to our climate and provide food and shelter for local wildlife. Scroll down to go through a year in the Mt. Lebanon Rain Garden.
Did you find this website from a small envelope? Click here to learn more about your seeds.
January and February are for winter sowing. Grow your own natives for dirt cheap using this guide from the PA Native Plant Society.

May/Early June
Shown Below (Top to Bottom; Left to Right):
Butterfly Weed, Buttonbush, Wood Geranium
Downy Wood Mint, Wild Bergamot, Rattlesnake Master
Shrubby St. John's Wort, Tickseed, Spiderwort
Not Shown: White Beardtongue, Golden Alexander, Meadowsweet, Beebalm

Late June
Shown Below: Top to Bottom; Left to Right
Blue Vervain, Mountain Mint, Joe Pye Weed
Not Shown: Blazing Star, Common Milkweed

Shown Below: Top to Bottom; Left to Right
Evening Primrose, Sunflower

Shown Below: Top to Bottom; Left to Right
Great Blue Lobelia, Blue Mistflower, Bottle Gentian
Not Shown: Black Eyed Susan, Asters, and Goldenrod

Non-Blooming Plants
No showy flowers, but we still love them.
Shown Below: Top to Bottom; Left to Right
Fragrant Sumac​
Not Shown: Inkberry, Black Chokecherry, Little Bluestem